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Espaņol Rosas

Franįais Rosas

English Roses

  nautical center roses costa brava
  & guide of TOURISM
  Information and reservations:
  Phone: +34 972 980980
  Email: info@roses.net

You are at: home water sports windsurf
The sea, the wind and you: windsurfing in the sport in vogue in the Roses bay, where you will find various ideal spots to practice this sport. Let the wind lift you up, jump all the way to the sky and land on the sea. In Roses you will find all the spots you need along with professionals to help and guide you but also shops where you can rent the adequate equipment.


Passeig Maritim
Delante Oficina de Turismo
17480 Roses (Alt Empordā)
Phone: +34 972 381 388
Phone: +34 685 198 193




Escola municipal
d´esports Nāutics (GEN)
 Port de Roses
17480 Roses (Alt Empordā)
Phone: +34 972 25 70 03


Roses Booking Center Tirso de Molina nē1 17480 Roses Tel.+34 972 980 980 info@roses.net

Apartments rentals in Roses
Hotels in Roses
Roses Beach Costa Brava
Nautical companies in Roses
Nautical center Roses Costa Brava